Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Adding 3rd party SIP phone in CUCM

A quick how-to on how to add a 3rd party SIP phone in CUCM, for version 5.0 or above. The environment I'm having here is CUCM 6.1 + X-Lite 3.0 on RH FC8 Linux.

1. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration page, from the menu select User Management > End User and click add new button. Create an user in LDAP if you have done the LDAP integration.

2. Create a user with the following parameters:

- User ID: 1099
- Password: abc123
- PIN: 123456
- Last name: Panda
- First name: SIP
- Telephone number: 1099

3. Click Save.

4. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration page, from the menu select Device > Phones and click add new button.

5. For the phone type select Third Party SIP Device (basic), and click Next.

6. On the Phone configuration page, use the following parameters:

- MAC Address: AABBCCDDEEFF (MAC address of your NIC)
- Phone button template: Third-Party SIP Device (Basic)
- SIP Phone security profile: Non Secure SIP Profile auth by string
- SIP Profile: Standard SIP Profile
- Owner ID: 1099
- Digest User: 1099

7. Click Save and OK

8. Click Line [1]-Add a new DN.

9. Use the following parameter for Directory number configuration:

- Directory number: 1099

10. Click Save.

11. On your laptop, run the X-Lite IP Phone application, and configure the X-Lite to use the following parameters:

- Enabled: Yes
- Display Name: Panda SIP
- Username: 1099
- Authorization user: 1099
- Password: abc123
- Domain/Realm: (Your CUCM address)
- SIP Proxy: (Your CUCM address)
- Out Bound Proxy:

The X-Lite Phone will register and login with the Communications Manager.

To Download X-Lite, go here: http://www.counterpath.com/

1 comment:

Chuba said...

Very Good Article.
